Statement from Bishop Michael Fisher on the Counter Proposal Process with the Road to Renewal | Diocese of Buffalo

Statement from Bishop Michael Fisher on the Counter Proposal Process with the Road to Renewal

Last week the Diocese of Buffalo convened the team that will be reviewing Family of Parishes counter proposals and provided an all-afternoon training session that covered such topics as the development of data, recommended mergers and closures, and what guidelines were shared to create a counter proposal.

As part of the continuing process of determining the final recommendations of mergers and closures of parishes in our diocese, it is important to know that our parishes are following the process that has been outlined. By August 5th, parishes are providing alternative proposals that include information and innovative ideas that will help the diocese move forward in our Road to Renewal effort.

As part of the process, it is important to note that when counter proposal meetings take place between August 12th and August 22nd, decisions from those meetings will not be released until the first week of September. Following canonical procedures, the final recommendations need consultation from the diocesan Presbyteral Council and approval, before I can finalize any recommendations. The meeting with the Presbyteral Council will be held on August 27th.

-Bishop Michael Fisher

Note: The Presbyteral Council is the diocesan council of priests who are the chief consultative body to the bishop.