Connecting students with faith
Campus Ministry
Prayer, Worship and Learning
Campus Ministry
Campus ministry is one of the important ways the Church exercises her mission in higher education. Its goals include promoting theological study and reflection on the religious nature of human beings “so that intellectual, moral, and spiritual growth can proceed together; sustaining a Christian community on campus, with the pastoral care and liturgical worship it requires; integration of its apostolic ministry with other ministries of the local community and the diocese; and helping the Christian community on campus to serve its members and others, including the many non-students who gravitate toward the university.”
Campus ministry gathers Catholics on campus for prayer, worship and learning in order that they might bring the light of the Gospel to illuminate the concerns and hopes of the academic community.
Looking to participate in a Campus Ministry at your college?
Links to Campus Ministries:
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Interested in Campus Ministry? Looking for spiritual direction?
Reach out to Rev. Walter Szczesny, Pastoral Administrator for Campus Ministries for questions and opportunities around the Diocese.