Lord, make me a channel of your peace
Most Reverend Edward D. Head
11th Bishop of Buffalo (1973-1995)
“Charity Seeks Not Her Own”
Bishop Edward D. Head, an Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of New York, was installed as the 11th Bishop of Buffalo on the Diocesan Patronal Feast of St. Joseph, March 19, 1973. He oversaw the establishment of many offices and institutes in the diocese, namely: the Priests’ Retirement Board, the Religious Education Coordinators Council, the Center for Church Vocations, the Peace and Justice Commission, the Western New York Catholic Hospital Health Care Council, the Office of Vicar for Religious, the Office of Vicar for Campus Ministry, the Permanent Diaconate Program, the Diocesan Marian Commission, the Organist Enrichment Program, the Office of Vicar for the Central City, the Catholic Charities Parish Outreach Program, Daybreak Productions, the Little Portion Friary, the Agenda for the 80’s, the Pope John Paul II Residence, the Diocesan Radio Studio, the consolidation of the Catholic Education Department, the Lay Ministry Advisory Board, the Renew Program, the relocation and consolidation of Diocesan Offices in the Catholic Center at 795 Main Street, the Office of Church Ministry, the Hispanic Apostolate, the Office of Black Ministry, the Department of Pro-Life Activities, the Commission on Women in the Church and Society, the reorganization of 10 Central City parishes, the New Visions Commission for Pastoral Planning, among others. Bishop Head retired on April 18, 1995, upon the appointment of Bishop Henry J. Mansell.
After ministering for ten years during his retirement, administering Confirmation and visiting the sick, Bishop Head died in Buffalo on March 29, 2005. His body lies in the crypt of St. Joseph Cathedral.