12th Annual St. Gianna Benefit Banquet
St. Gianna Pregnancy Outreach Center 12th Annual Benefit Banquet will be on April 27th at Classics V on 2425 Niagara Falls Blvd., Amherst, NY at 6:00 pm. The keynote speaker will be Tony McFadden, a pro-life advocate and international speaker on abortion. She is the author of the book, Redeemed: My Journey after Abortion. Toni shares her abortion story of regret with transparency while leaving her listeners with hope. Toni recently spoke at the first annual Pennsylvania March for Life in Harrisburg and at the National March for Life in Washington, D.C. Toni has co-written op-eds for Students for Life of America, Live Action, Newsweek and was recently featured in the Washington Post. Special Guest: Honorable Shannon Filbert (the first woman justice in the Town of West Seneca). Learn how Shannon’s life has intersected through Family Court in Erie County with the St. Gianna Centers & the Mother Teresa Home.
Why attend? We give over 4,300 reasons. That is the number of babies lost to abortion in the eight counties of WNY (last statistics reported in NYS). This is your opportunity to help us in our mission.
$80 per person | Reserved Table or Open Seating (No tickets issued) Deadline is Monday, April 17. | Gift Baskets/Raffle | Cash Bar
Make your reservation today:
- By phone: (716) 847-2205
- Online: www.buffalodiocese.org/st-gianna
- Email: stgianna@buffalodiocese.org