Inclusive Christmas Mass 2022
Saint Bernadette Hosts Inclusive Christmas Mass On Wednesday, December 28, 2022, at 7 p.m., Saint Bernadette Church welcomes families with special needs to an inclusive Christmas Mass. Father Joe Wolf, celebrant, will offer the
Sacrament of Reconciliation at 6 p.m. The Mass will be interpreted in American Sign Language and will be live-streamed on Saint Bernadette’s facebook page. After Mass, a reception will be held in the Parish Ministry Center. The Mass offers a shorter, less crowded worship setting allowing for freedom of movement as needed. The lighting will be dimmer, the music soothing and low-gluten hosts will be available. This event is sponsored by Open Doors Ministry which advocates for the inclusion of people with disabilities into the life of the parish. Kindly leave a message with Paula at 716-649-1051 or with the number of people who will be attending.