Inclusion for People with Disabilities

Inclusion for People with Disabilities

The mission of the diocesan disability inclusion team is to increase awareness and inclusion of individuals with disabilities in parishes across the diocese by opening doors, opening minds and opening hearts. We open doors through universal access to church spaces. We open minds through the awareness of what people with disabilities need to feel belonging and grow in faith. We open hearts by demonstrating that all people have diverse dis-ABILITIES and everyone has a place in the ministry and mission of the church.

NEW SERVICE: God’s Family 2 – Southtowns faith formation for people with disabilities. Some commented:

“We love the day. Everyone is made to feel welcomed and valued. We are so impressed with the loving care and attention to detail that is evident in every one of our meetings.

“I have had more meaningful conversations with my son about God and the Church than I have had with adults. I feel like my prayers were answered when we found this program.”

“We look forward very much to our gatherings; they review for us in a very vivid way the essence of Christianity. We enjoy the lasting friendships we have made with Christ as the center of our lives.”

Spread the Good News! 

NEW SERVICE:  God's Family 2 - Southtowns faith formation for people with disabilities.  Some commented: "We love the day. Everyone is made to feel welcomed an valued. We are so impressed with the loving care and attention to detail that is evident in every one of our meetings."  "I have had more meaningful conversations with my son about God and the Church than I have had with adults. I feel like my prayers were answered when we found this program." "We look forward very much to our gatherings; they review for us in a very vivid way the essence of Christianity.  We enjoy the lasting friendships we have
made with Christ as the center of our lives." 

Download brochure and spread the Good News.  Already convinced?  Download the registration form here. 

NEW RESOURCE:  The Complete Guide for Deaf & Hearing Impaired College Students 



These words from the first paragraph of the 1978 United States Catholic Bishops Pastoral Statement on People with Disabilities, commissions us:

"The same Jesus who heard the cry for recognition from the people with disabilities of Judea and Samaria, 2,000 years ago calls us, his followers, to embrace our responsibility to our own disabled brothers and sisters in the United States, The Catholic Church pursues its mission by furthering the spiritual, intellectual, moral and physical development of the people it serves. We call upon people of good will to examine their attitudes toward their brothers and sisters with disabilities and promote their well-being, acting with a sense of justice and the compassion that the Lord so clearly desires. Further, realizing the unique gifts individuals with disabilities have to offer the Church, we wish to address the need for their integration into the Christian community and their fuller participation in its life."

Video: If I Could See Through Your Eyes - used with permission and brought to you by Array of Hope


Additional Resources:

Adaptive Catechesis and Special Needs Resources

Autism-tips for teaching (teaching tips for youth with Autism)

Positive Discipline

Siblings of Children with Disabilities

Teaching Tolerance and Acceptance

Youth with Dyslexia

For more resources and activities consult the events, services and resources pages here or contact the Erie County Office for the Disabled for activities in the community.

Serving Others

The generosity and dedication of a volunteer has the potential to create lasting positive effects in the lives of those we serve.