Sharing the Catholic faith

Sacramental & Family Life

For The Family

It is the family, the Christian household, that is a child’s first and best community of faith. We offer resources to help the needs of the family, their formation, and vision for the future in their catechetical efforts.

For the Engaged

Congratulations! The Church joyfully anticipates the opportunity to celebrate with you this life-changing Sacrament that, as St. Paul tells us, is the image of Christ’s love for His Church!

For the Married

Marriage has been the cornerstone of family life. It is a vocation of love and of holiness. The Church teachings can help strengthen and bless your marriage throughout the years when love can feel strained.


Grieving the death of a loved one can be a long and painful journey. There is no time table for the mourning that one feels. Grief work is the process that involves learning to live with the emptiness, creating meaning out of the loss and rejoining life to live more openly and fully. There are a number of grief support groups throughout the diocese.

For the Separated & Divorced

Separation and Divorce are very painful situations and best not traveled alone. The Church is here to offer support and walk with you as you navigate this difficult chapter in your life. 

The Sacraments

For information about preparing for the Sacraments, or to learn about each one, please follow the link provided.