St. Ignatius of Loyola – Then and Today: Ignatian Spirituality | Diocese of Buffalo
St. Ignatius of Loyola – Then and Today: Ignatian Spirituality

St. Ignatius of Loyola – Then and Today: Ignatian Spirituality

Event Start Date:
February 24, 2022
Event End Date:
February 24, 2022
Event Venue:
Blessed Sacrament Church

Church on Fire Series at Blessed Sacrament Church from 7 PM to 8 PM

St. Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) lived at a time at least as tumultuous as our own, especially in the Church. Well before he founded the Society of Jesus, he developed his classic Spiritual Exercises, based on his own conversion and experiences with prayer. In these Exercises, he distilled methods of prayer and a way of looking at life and the world, which we commonly refer to as Ignatian Spirituality. 

Fr. Thomas Slon will explain what is unique about Ignatian Spirituality and why it might be especially helpful to us in our time, as we face our own Church crises. The evening will offer opportunities to experience these methods of prayer and to engage in conversation.

Fr. Slon is a priest of the Society of Jesus and has served as the rector of the Jesuit Community of Buffalo since July 2016. A native of Buffalo, he studied mathematics at Cornell University, theology at the Weston School of Theology in Cambridge, MA (now the School of Theology and Ministry at Boston College), and architecture at The Catholic University of America.

Before moving to Buffalo in 2016, Fr. Slon served for eight years as the Socius to the Provincial – a position similar to that of chief of staff – in the Province’s central office in New York City. 

Event Calendar

National Eucharistic Revival