List of clergy with substantiated claims of abuse


Any person under 18 years of age.

Child or Vulnerable Adult Abuse:
Causing or attempting or threatening to cause harm to a child’s or vulnerable adult’s health or welfare, to include damage to the physical or emotional/psychological health and welfare of a child or vulnerable adult, resulting from non-accidental physical or mental injury, incest, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, molestation, or repeated negligent treatment or maltreatment.

A person ordained for service in the Roman Catholic Church.

An allegation of child or vulnerable adult abuse or sexual abuse of a child or vulnerable adult by personnel that is received by the Diocese and contains sufficient detail to identify the alleged abuse and the alleged abuser(s). A complaint may include allegations of a violation of the Code of Conduct’s prohibition on behavior by personnel that constitutes grooming. A form for written complaints is attached as Appendix A.

Life of Prayer and Penance:
A cleric who has been sentenced canonically to a life of prayer and penance has been permanently removed from engaging in public ministry and is obligated to live alone in prayer.

Religious Order Allegation:
An allegation of sexual abuse of a child or vulnerable adult by a member of a religious order who, at the time of the alleged abuse or at the time the allegation is made, works, teaches, ministers, or resides within the Diocese. The allegation may assert a violation of the Code of Conduct’s prohibition on behavior by a member of a religious order that constitutes grooming.

Removed from the Clerical State:
A cleric is removed from the clerical state if the Holy See has returned the cleric to a status essentially equivalent to that of a lay person.  Practically speaking, a cleric who has been removed from the clerical state is prohibited from saying Mass, hearing confessions (except in certain extreme circumstances), administering the sacraments, wearing clerical garb, presenting himself as a cleric, using the title “Father” or “Reverend,” or otherwise exercising sacred ministry in the Church.  This is sometimes referred to colloquially as being “laicized.”

Vulnerable Adult:
A person who is impaired by reason of mental illness, mental deficiency, physical illness, or disability to the extent that he or she lacks sufficient understanding or capacity to make or communicate responsible decisions concerning his or her person or to manage his or her affairs effectively.

List of diocesan priests with substantiated claims of abuse

Rev. John Aurelio 
Birth: 1937  | Death: 8/26/2009
Ordination: 1966
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased. Removed from ministry 1993

Rev. Ramon Aymerich
Birth: 1948  | Death: 
Ordination: 1975
1 or more Allegations:
Status: Left Catholic Church 1982; Episcopal priest

Rev. Donald W. Becker
Birth: 1942  | Death: 2/15/2022
Ordination: 1967
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Ron Becker 
Birth: 1945  | Death: 1/21/2009
Ordination: 1972
1 or more Allegations: 1 
Status: Deceased priest of the Diocese of Trenton

Rev. David M. Bialkowski 
Birth: 1961  | Death:  
Ordination: 1988
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry 2011; Removed from the Clerical State 

Rev. Robert J. Biesinger 
Birth: 1931  | Death: 7/22/2012
Ordination: 1956
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry 1994; deceased

Rev. Richard John Bohm
Birth: 1933  | Death: 10/22/1984
Ordination: 1965
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Msgr. George Brennan
Birth: 1921  | Death: 1/31/2006
Ordination: 1949
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Gerald P. Collins
Birth: 1927  | Death: 6/8/1995
Ordination: 1954
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Robert Patrick Conlin
Birth: 1931  | Death: 12/9/1997
Ordination: 1956
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Paul R. Coppola
Birth: 1923  | Death: 11/17/2006
Ordination: 1951
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. James H. Cotter
Birth: 1916  | Death: 7/14/1991
Ordination: 1950
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Richard C. Crumlish
Birth: 1921  | Death: 4/15/2006
Ordination: 1945
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Louis S. Dolinic
Birth: 1940  | Death: 
Ordination: 1966
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry 2018; Life of Prayer and Penance

Rev. John S. Doyle
Birth: 1903  | Death: 1/3/1977
Ordination: 1929
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Daniel G. Duggan
Birth: 1923  | Death: 1975
Ordination: 1948
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Donald S. Fafinski
Birth: 1941  | Death: 
Ordination: 1966
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry 2003; Life of Prayer and Penance 

Rev. Douglas F. Faraci
Birth: 1943  | Death: 
Ordination: 1969
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry 2018; Life of Prayer and Penance 

Rev. Ralph P. Federico
Birth: 1927  | Death: 2007
Ordination: 1952
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Frederick G. Fingerle
Birth: 1937  | Death: 1/25/2002
Ordination: 1963
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Michael R. Freeman
Birth: 1946  | Death: 1/17/2010
Ordination: 1972
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry 1989; Deceased

Rev. Joseph Patrick Friel
Birth: 1932  | Death: 8/19/1995
Ordination: 1957
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry 1992; Deceased

Rev. Mark McCormick Friel
Birth: 1934  | Death: 2/24/23
Ordination: 1963
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry 2003; Life of Prayer and Penance 

Rev. Dennis A. Fronczak
Birth: 1948  | Death: 10/6/2021
Ordination: 1975
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry 2015; Deceased  

Rev. Gerard Leo Green
Birth: 1928  | Death: 8/14/2012
Ordination: 1956
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Thomas Gresock
Birth: 1956 | Death:
Ordination: 1985
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from the clerical state

Rev. John P. Hajduk
Birth: 1949  | Death: 10/18/2021
Ordination: 1976
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry 1994; Deceased

Rev. Michael J. Harrington
Birth: 1910  | Death: 12/19/1989
Ordination: 1942
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Brian M. Hatrick
Birth: 1945  | Death:
Ordination: 1979
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry 2007; Life of Prayer and Penance

Msgr. James Patrick Hayes
Birth: 1922  | Death: 11/29/1988
Ordination: 1946
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Louis J. Hendricks
Birth: 1936  | Death: 10/27/1990
Ordination: 1963
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Joseph Grant Higgins
Birth: 1926  | Death: 11/23/2016
Ordination: 1975
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Francis T. Hogan
Birth: 1921  | Death: 6/21/2010
Ordination: 1946
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Fred D. Ingalls
Birth: 1948  | Death:
Ordination: 1974
1 or more Allegations: 1 
Status: Life of Prayer and Penance

Rev. Pascal D. Ipolito
Birth: 1944  | Death:
Ordination: 1970
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Awaiting Penal Process

Rev. Florian Anthony Jasinski
Birth: 1930  | Death: 12/19/1983
Ordination: 1957
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Gerald C. Jasinski
Birth: 1942  | Death:
Ordination: 1968
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry 1986; laicized 1988

Rev. Richard P. Judd
Birth: 1924  | Death: 11/17/1988
Ordination: 1964
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Michael Juran
Birth: 1948  | Death: 11/11/24
Ordination: 1976
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry 2018; deceased

Msgr. Edward L. Kazmierczak
Birth: 1926  | Death: 2001
Ordination: 1951
1 or more Allegations:   
Status: Deceased

Rev. Timothy James Kelley
Birth: 1947  | Death:  
Ordination: 1978
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Transferred to St. Petersburg Diocese 1983; faculties revoked

Rev. Thomas L. Kemp
Birth: 1927  | Death: 3/7/2019
Ordination: 1952
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry 2004; Deceased

Rev. Richard J. Keppeler
Birth: 1929  | Death: 12/26/2011
Ordination: 1954
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry 2003; Deceased

Msgr. Charles A. Klauder
Birth: 1880  | Death: 9/16/1972
Ordination: 1918
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Paul James Kowalewski
Birth: 1947  | Death:
Ordination: 1973
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Left priesthood 1976; laicized 1977; Episcopal priest

Rev. John D. Lewandowski
Birth: 1932  | Death: 1/13/1982
Ordination: 1962
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Donald J. Lutz
Birth: 1944  | Death:  
Ordination: 1970
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Life of Prayer and Penance

Rev. Bernard M. Mach
Birth: 1938  | Death: 2/17/2004
Ordination: 1964
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry 1993; Deceased

Rev. Louis Mako
Birth: 1934  | Death: 
Ordination: 1962
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Left Diocese 1972; retired in Vienna; case is in Rome

Rev. Loville N. Martlock
Birth: 1937  | Death: 12/26/2014
Ordination: 1963
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry 2004; Deceased

Rev. Fabian J. Maryanski
Birth: 1941  | Death:
Ordination: 1971
1 or more Allegations: 1 
Status: Removed from ministry 2018; Awaiting extra judicial process

Rev. Thomas J. McCarthy
Birth: 1941  | Death:
Ordination: 1980
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Life of Prayer and Penance

Rev. Francis W. McKenna 
Birth: 1901  | Death: 1/3/1977
Ordination: 1927
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Msgr. Joseph M. McPherson
Birth: 1909  | Death: 11/26/1982
Ordination: 1936
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Ronald Mierzwa
Birth: 1950  | Death:
Ordination: 1976
1 or more Allegations: 1 
Status: Removed from ministry 2018; Life of Prayer and Penance 

Rev. Robert D. Moss
Birth: 1943  | Death: 3/29/2018
Ordination: 1969
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Terrence N. Niedbalski
Birth: 1939  | Death: 7/10/1997
Ordination: 1964
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry 1975; Deceased

Rev. Basil A. Ormsby
Birth: 1912  | Death: 6/14/1997
Ordination: 1942
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Norbert F. Orsolits
Birth: 1939  | Death: 3/25/2021
Ordination: 1965
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry 2003; Deceased

Rev. Daniel J. Palys
Birth: 1943  | Death: 08/21/24
Ordination: 1969
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased. Removed from ministry 2018

Rev. Martin L. Pavlock
Birth: 1939  | Death:
Ordination: 1966
1 or more Allegations: 1 
Status: Life of Prayer and Penance

Rev. Michael Raimondo
Birth: 1877  | Death: Italy
Ordination: 1903
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Joseph P. Rappl
Birth: 1952  | Death:
Ordination: 1978
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Left priesthood 1999

Rev. Leo F. Reddy
Birth: 1893  | Death: 1976
Ordination: 1938
1 or more Allegations:  
Status: Deceased

Rev. David V. Roche
Birth: 1915  | Death: 6/28/2004
Ordination: 1942
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Roy K. Ronald
Birth: 1935  | Death: 10/28/2013
Ordination: 1960
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry 1995; Deceased

Msgr. Joseph E. Schieder
Birth: 1908  | Death: 6/12/1996
Ordination: 1935
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Msgr. Ronald P. Sciera
Birth: 1934  | Death:  
Ordination: 1961
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Life of Prayer and Penance

Rev. Joseph A. Schuster
Birth: 1939 | Death: 7/23/2007
Ordination: 1966
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Gerald Paul Sheehan
Birth: 1938  | Death: 6/12/2006
Ordination: 1964
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Ronald T. Silverio
Birth: 1944  | Death:
Ordination: 1970
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry; left the priesthood 

Rev. Howard Bernard Slack
Birth: 1917  | Death: 8/18/1976
Ordination: 1959
1 or more Allegations: 1 
Status: Laicized 1976; Deceased

Rev. Arthur J. Smith
Birth: 1945  | Death: 10/17/23
Ordination: 1971
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Gerard A. Smyczynski
Birth: 1953  | Death: 8/12/1999
Ordination: 1980
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Clatus E. Snyder
Birth: 1907  | Death: 3/6/2001
Ordination: 1934
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. James A. Spielman
Birth: 1944  | Death:
Ordination: 1970
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry 1993; Removed from clerical state

Rev. Chester S. Stachewicz
Birth: 1940  | Death: 4/8/2010
Ordination: 1971
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry 1982; Deceased

Msgr. William G. Stanton
Birth: 1924  | Death: 1/7/2004
Ordination: 1949
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Harry Richard Strassberger
Birth: 1917  | Death: 12/16/1999
Ordination: 1950
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Joseph E. Vatter
Birth: 1952  | Death: 
Ordination: 1978 
1 or more Allegations: 1 
Status: Removed from ministry 2023; case sent to Rome (8/23)

Rev. Samuel James Venne
Birth: 1942  | Death:  
Ordination: 1978
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry 2018; Life of Prayer and Penance

Rev. Edward John Walker
Birth: 1906  | Death: 2/28/2002 
Ordination: 1936
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. William G. Ward
Birth: 1924  | Death: 12/2/2008
Ordination: 1950
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Deceased

Rev. Charles J. Werth
Birth: 1928  | Death: 12/9/2017
Ordination: 1953
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry 2004; Deceased

Rev. William F. J. White
Birth: 1942  | Death: 5/27/2016
Ordination: 1968
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry 1993; Deceased

Rev. Mark James Wolski
Birth: 1942  | Death: 
Ordination: 1967
1 or more Allegations: 1 
Status: Removed from ministry 2018; awaiting judicial process

Rev. Robert W. Wood
Birth: 1947  | Death: 6/24/2019 
Ordination: 1974
1 or more Allegations: + 
Status: Removed from ministry 2003; Deceased 

Recommendations from the Independent Review Board (IRB) from 2023 to present:

Rev. Daniel Palys | The IRB recommends that 3 allegations are substantiated and 2 are unsubstantiated. 

Rev. Louis Dolinic | The IRB recommends that 1 allegation is substantiated and 1 is unsubstantiated.

Rev. Msgr. Peter Popadick | The IRB did not find the complaint against Fr. Popadick to have any merit whatsorever.

Rev. Joseph Vatter | The IRB recommends 1 allegation to be not substantiated and 3 to be credible but only 1 to constitute as sexual abuse of a child.

Rev. Patryk Sobczyk | The IRB recommends that there are no substantiated allegations of child sex abuse.