Advent Reconciliation

We have curated a comprehensive list of Confession times from across the diocese, organized by vicariates. The initial vicariate highlighted is Buffalo. However, if your parish is located outside of Buffalo, we kindly recommend clicking on any of the provided links to access the scheduling information for your respective region.


Buffalo Vicariate

The RC Community of Cheektowaga Kaisertown Sloan Family #32
  1. St. Casimir 
  2. St. Bernard
  3. St. Andrew
  4. Our Lady of Czestochowa (OLC)

Thursday, Dec 14, 2023

  • 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm at St Andrew 
  • 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm  at St Andrew 

Confessions on request, and every Saturday for 45 minutes before Mass regularly.

Family #30
  1. St. Gualbert
  2. Corpus Christi
  3. St. John Kanty
    • St. Adalbert
  4. St. Katherine Drexel
  5. St. Stanislaus

Advent Confessions will be offered Thursday, December 21

  • 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm at St. John Gualbert.
Family #31
  1. St. Martin of Tours
  2. St. Teresa
  3. St. Thomas Aquinas
  4. Our Lady of Charity

Besides Saturdays before Mass, extra Confessions Times are:

  • 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm every Thursday at Holy Family

Wednesday, December 13

  • 6:00 pm – 6:45 pm before Lesson & Carols at Holy Family 

Monday, December 18

  • 6:00 pm – 6:45 pm before Solemn Advent Vespers at St. Teresa
Family #23
  1. Our Lady of Hope
  2. Holy Cross
  3. Coronation of the BVM

Combined Reconciliation service on December 21

  • 6:30 pm at Our Lady of Hope 
Family #22
  1. St. Louis
  2. St. Joseph Cathedral 
  3. Blessed Sacrament
  4. St. Anthony of Padua 
  5. St. Michael
  6. Our Lady of Perpetual Help

St. Michael

  • After daily Masses
  • 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm Thursday nights during Advent
Family #21
  1. St. Lawrence
  2. Blessed Trinity
  3. St. Martin de Porres
  4. SS. Columba Brigid

 20 minutes before every Mass (except Sunday) 

Monday, December 11

  • 7:00 pm at Ss. Columba Brigid
Family #20
  1. Assumption of the Bl. Virgin Mary
  2. Holy Spirit
  3. St. Margaret
  4. St. Mark
  5. St. Rose of Lima
  6. All Saints

Advent Penance Service

Thursday, December 14th

  • 7:00 p.m. at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (435 Amherst Street, Buffalo, NY  14207)

Confessions are on Saturdays before the Vigil Mass

  • 3:00-4:00 p.m. at St. Mark Church (401 Woodward Ave, Buffalo, NY 14214)
  • 3:30-4:30 p.m. at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary  (435 Amherst Street, Buffalo, NY  14207)
  • By appointment

Campus Ministry

Family #36

St. Joseph University Parish 

  • Tuesday, December 13 at 7:00 pm